(By Senators Chafin, Unger, Foster and McCabe)

Requesting the Joint Committee on Government and Finance study developing statutes and rules to provide for sequestration of greenhouse gases.

Whereas, Legislative action regarding the regulation of greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuels are a source of debate at the federal level; and
Whereas, Regulation concerning sequestration of any greenhouse gases will be the responsibility of the states; and
Whereas, West Virginia statutes and rules do not comprehensively address sequestration of greenhouse gases; and
Whereas, The viability of new energy projects within the state require assurances to investors on the impact of such statutes and rules; therefore, be it
Resolved by the Legislature of West Virginia:
That the Joint Committee on Government and Finance is hereby requested to study developing statutes and rules to provide for sequestration of greenhouse gases; and, be it

Further Resolved, That the study identify legislative options for the state to create an environment which produces a competitive advantage for West Virginia in attracting new fossil fuel projects through comprehensive greenhouse gas sequestration statutes and rules; and, be it
Further Resolved, That the study include physical and regulatory analogies for regulatory oversight and management of liability created by sequestration of greenhouse gases; and, be it
Further Resolved, That the study clarify equitable mechanisms for the compensation of mineral owners for greenhouse gases sequestration and those sequestering for incremental mineral production; and, be it
Further Resolved, That the study identify the legislative parameters that should be imposed on predictive models and monitoring of sequestered greenhouse gases; and, be it
Further Resolved, That the study identify means by which regulatory compliance can limit liability; and, be it
Further Resolved, That the study describe options for statute of limitations for greenhouse gases that might be sequestered through multiple generations; and, be it
Further Resolved, That the study clarify the ownership of the pore spaces in mineral deposits once natural gas and/or petroleum have been recovered, as well as the ownership of sequestered greenhouse gases; and, be it
Further Resolved, That the study clarify the role of the Underground Injection Control Program in greenhouse gas sequestration; and, be it
Further Resolved, That the Joint Committee on Government and Finance report to the regular session of the Legislature, 2008, on its findings, conclusions and recommendations, together with drafts of any legislation necessary to effectuate its recommendations; and, be it
Further Resolved, That the expenses necessary to conduct this study, to prepare a report and to draft necessary legislation be paid from legislative appropriations to the Joint Committee on Government and Finance.